MaxiSingle, Vocal

The Best Thing (It’s For You) (MaxiSingle)

For forthcoming What You Did coming in 2018
Featuring the voicebanks Megpoid and AVANNA of the Vocaloid speech synthesizer and also the UTAU voicebank Momone Momo.
I want to release What You Did around the beginning of the year, but that’s also when my son is due to be born, so I don’t want the process of releasing it to require time I may not have.
I was listening to some 90s stuff on Spotify and I realized, the “bonus tracks” came on. These were actually the extra songs on Maxi Singles, CDs that sometimes released in pairs, had alternate materials, live bonus tracks and more, but most of all, instead of promoting music with something I’m bad at like graphics, video, figurines, instead maybe I can promote music with more music. There seems to be so much high-profile stuff coming at this time of year, however, that trying to stand out among them seems pointless, so I decided to start with a quiet song and include a collection of fireplace songs with it.
There will be more, and I want to release all of the Maxi Singles before the album, but I haven’t decided how quickly I’ll release them or if all these mess with Bandcamp’s vibe or not. I’ll try not to make collecting them tedious. 😉